Monday, March 31, 2008

Upcoming Misses

Hello, all!

LOL. I say "all" as if anyone other than the two contributors reads this. Soon, we'll be embedding our imeem playlists to feature our hit mixes. For now, we'd like to share our tentative themes for the next few months. We're alternating who gets to choose themes. Casey has April and June and I've taken May and July.

April Showers - for all those rainy days. Songs about water in its various forms.
May I Touch You There? - Songs featuring body parts both in title and content.
June Summer* - The classic summer song playlist.
July the 4th Patriots - Songs that make you feel warm and fuzzy about our country.

We look forward to impressing you ;-)


*working title (i.e., I didn't ask Casey for a title yet.)

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