Monday, November 24, 2008


Dude...this has got to be one of our wittiest playlists yet! We came up with 12 scenarios (six each) that you'd likely hear on Delilah (or not) and then, had to come up with songs we think she'd play. The following are the playlists (Casey's, then mine) and then the scenarios.

Delilahs Dedications

Delilah - Love someone tonight

1.) My husband hasn't been able to get his papers to enter America, so I am here and he's still in Mexico. I really miss him, Delilah.

2.) My dad is my best friend and I just wanted to let him know I was thinking about him tonight. (The beautifully ironic underscore being that you know her pops don't be listenin' to no Delilah!)

3.) I was in love with this girl in high school, but when I went away to college I let things go sour between us. I got married, she got married, we both had kids and never really kept in touch - I just heard news about her through mutual friends. Her husband passed away two years ago and I'm divorced now. We recently started talking again and I am just so excited about where our relationship is headed.

4.) It's my three-year anniversary tomorrow. My husband and I met on, which we think is so funny, but it worked for us! Can you find a song for us, please?

5.) My mom died of cancer several months ago. At the time I was dating someone and he really didn't offer the support I needed. Her doctor was always so compassionate with our family and my mom as his patient. He noticed what a jerk my boyfriend was and really stepped up to help me deal with my loss. We have gone out on a few dates and I think I'm in love!

6.) My best friend moved away after college, but we've kept in touch ever since. She's lost a sibling and was partially paralysed in a car accident, but she's the strongest person I know. I go visit her often, but I just wanted to let her know over the airwaves how proud I am of her and how much I love her.

7) I was dropping my daughter off at school when I exchanged glances with her handsome and young teacher. I happened to look down and see his wedding ring, much to my disappointment. I can’t help but feel like we made a connection. Should I ask him for coffee, Delilah?

8) I’ve recently left my dear home in the South to move to New York City to start my dance career. I love the hustle and bustle of the city but it gets so lonely at night and I think about everything I left behind. Can you play something for me, Delilah, that will remind me of home?

9) My husband-to-be and I are looking forward to our wedding night where we can exchange God’s greatest gift with one another. I want him to know how I feel and how right we are for each other. Can you dedicate a song to our intimate night?

10) My mom just entered rehab after struggling with crack addiction since she was a teenager. I’m so proud of her, Delilah, and want to let her know I support her, even though we don’t speak anymore.

11) Delilah, I’m in love. And I’ve never seen him! We met in a cloud cafĂ© in Second Life. His avatar’s name is SwinginSam and he charmed me from the start. We chat every night ‘til the sun comes up. The problem is, I’m afraid of what he’d think of me if we met in person. I don’t get out much. But he makes me feel so loved. Can I dedicate a song to SwinginSam to let him know how I feel?

12) My cat just came back from the clinic after a traumatic operation. I miss his lively demeanor, his humor, and his feisty attitude, Delilah. Since he’s come home, he’s much more reserved and we hardly play anymore. Can you play a song that might put the spark back into our friendship? He’s all I’ve got.

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